
Environment Policy

Quality, environment, health and safety policy and energy policy

All the activities of the company TTS are aimed to ensure and maintain the company’s reputation as a reliable partner in the production of equipment, which complies with the requirements and wishes of each individual Customer.

We understand that the key to our company prosperity underlies in the successful development of a Customer’s business.

The main objectives of the company’s activities in the field of quality are:

  • Production of products meeting the requirements of standards, technical specifications and Customers’ needs;
  • Achievement, maintenance, and commitment to continuous improvement of products’ quality.

Quality-related objectives:

  • Continuous improvement of the quality management system, operating processes, and implementation of advanced technologies;
  • Improving the economic performance by achieving the production with zero defects;
  • Continuous improvement of staff’s professional skills;
  • Improving the quality of communication with Customers based on the general principles of modern business ethics.

Methods to achieve these goals and objectives are as follows:

  • Thorough study and forecast of the Customers’ needs;
  • A clear allocation of responsibilities, authorities, and relationships between managing, executing, and supervising staff;
  • Selection of reliable suppliers for high-quality raw materials, components and sub-contracting works as well as development of creative collaboration with them based on mutual benefit;
  • Ensuring regularity and achieving the necessary level of training for the whole staff of the company “TTS”;
  • Application of internal audits for the quality system as smooth working machinery to prevent possible defects (non-conformities);
  • Personal responsibility of each employee for the quality of products within their competence; moral and material motivation of all employees in the field of quality assurance;
  • Striving for refusal to compromise to the prejudice of quality;

The integral part of company’s activity is organization of safe production and health protection of all company’s employees.

The basic principles of company’s policy in the field of safety work are the following:

  • Identification and assessment of working environment risks for the purpose of plan of measures on reduction of their influence and if it is possible elimination development;
  • Our workers consultations in regard of the questions influencing their health and safety;
  • Personnel training in safe work methods to form permanent behavioural installations on observance of safety work requirements;
  • Ensuring company’s  personnel  protection against influence of negative production factors, effective work-rest schedules implementation, improvement of social conditions on the production, implementation of effective personal protective equipment;

In its turn, in order to ensure environmental safety the company:

  • Has integrated environmental management with business activities;
  • Complies with legal requirements regarding ecology;
  • Has set tasks and objectives in the field of ecology;
  • Has identified and taken control over the environmental aspects of the organization work, thus reducing its potential impact on the environment and preventing pollution,
  • Holds records regarding the use of electricity, materials, chemicals, and paints as well as recycles packaging waste, etc.
  • Improves its knowledge regarding management of environmental aspects, simultaneously creating a positive attitude of all employees thereto;
  • Constantly trains its staff in regard to environmental issues;
  • Prior to introducing new products and services, initially determines their environmental impact.

TTS energy policy is the intention of the organization

  • to appropriate to the nature and scale of the organization’s energy use and consumption;
  • to commitment to continual improvement in energy performance;
  • ti commitment to ensure the availability of information and of necessary resources to achieve
  • objectives and targets;
  • to commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the
  • organization subscribes  related to its energy use, consumption and efficiency;
  • to provides the framework for setting and reviewing energy objectives and targets;
  • to supports the purchase of energy-efficient products and services, and design for energy performance improvement;
  • to documented and communicated at all levels within the organization;
  • regularly to review, and update as necessary.

The company’s management believes that only efficiently functioning integration of management system can be deemed as the basis for continuous improvement of product quality and it will make every effort to clarify to the whole staff the significance of solving the quality challenges.

The accumulated knowledge and experience will be used, as far as possible, for continuous quality improvement, perfection of technological processes and saving        resource so as to reduce the harmful effects on employees, environment and to ensure the implementation of its activities strictly in accordance with legal requirements.

Our mission

  • To be and produce CLIENT-ORIENTED SOLUTIONS for material handling
  • To provide opportunity for Latvian ENGINEERING development.
  • To be flexible by “WELDING” together experience and innovations.

Our vision

  • Become reliable and trustful partner for long-term cooperation.
How can we help you?

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